30 / 10 / 2019
يتقدم موقع http://nala4u.com بجزيل الشكر والامتان للاخت Attiya Gamri لما قدمته خلا ل السنوات السابقة في خدمة القضية الاشورية والمسيحيين, كما يتقدم بالتهنئة الخالصة الى مرتا يوئيل شليمون لانتخابها لرئاسة الاتحاد الاشوري لعموم اوربا متمنين لها الموفقية في عملها.
يذكر بان مرتا يوئيل شليمون تنحدر من منطقة وادي نهلة (نخلا) الآشورية – قرية خليلاني,وهي حفيدة الشهيد شليمون الشماس ايشو بيث شواووثا الذي استشهد في واقعة وادي (كلي دوبيريه) في نهاية الستينات من القرن المنصرم وهو يدافع مع رفاقه ضد الجحوش الكردية المتمثلة بالزيباريين والبكرمانيين وفلولهم .
http://nala4u.com extends its sincere thanks and gratitude to Attiya Gamri for her work during the previous years for the Assyrian and Christian cause.It also extends his sincere congratulations to Marta Yuwell Shlimon on her election to the presidency of the Assyrian All-European Union, wishing her success in her work
Marta Yuwell Shlimon is from the Assyrian Valley of Nahla (Nakhla) – Khalilanih village, she is the granddaughter of the martyr Shlimon shamasha Isho Beth Shwawoutha, who was martyred in (Dupereh Valley) in the late sixties , who was defending with his comrades against the Zebarians , bakarmanians and their remnants
Press release
Assyrian Confederation of Europe
28 / 10 / 2019
The Assyrian Confederation of Europe has elected Marta Youeel Eshoo as the new head of the organisation. The election marks the beginning of a new three year mandate and the second since the establishment of the confederation
,I’m humbled to be elected for this role and look forward to continue developing and strengthening ACE together with the board and our member federations, commented Ms Youeel Eshoo, adding; I believe ACE has an important role to play and that we are yet to realize the full potential of the Assyrian European community
Ms Youeel Eshoo who is also serving on the board of the Assyrian Federation of Sweden since March of this year, replaces Attiya Gamri from the Netherlands who served as ACE president since 2016
The Assyrian Confederation of Europe was established in 2016 by the Assyrian national federations of Belgium, Germany, Sweden and the Netherlands. The organisation is registered in Belgium with its office near the European quarter in central Brussels

Edmond Betmaleck
Congratulations!!! It’s nice to see Assyrian organizations following the rule of law, inclusivity and explicit term limits in their leadership
Kuryo Beth Angelli
Congratulations and tahenyotho. Wish you successful work
Nahrain Younan
Congrats Marta Youeel Eshoo! This is wonderful news! Almost a year ago we all gathered for the same purpose ? i wish you good luck with everything ?
Enlil Khoshaba
Congratulations and good luck??
Abdülmesih Halef
Congratulation new crew and such success in serving Assyrians
Alexander Lurvink
God Speed
Nahreen Odisho
Good luck Marta azizta ???
Zena Iskander Youssef
Congratulations ?
Elivin Rüya
Congratulations Marta Youeel Eshoo, I wish you Good luck ?
Ramsina Hermez
Wow great news? Good luck Marta?
Reine Hanna
Thank you, Attiya Gamri for your leadership and dedication. Congrats, Marta
Admon Gab
Congratulations Marta
Jovan Tat
Marlin Warda
Gongratulations ????❤❤❤❤❤⚘⚘⚘⚘⚘
Daniel Auguste
Félicitations de Paris
Şimon Çello
Brixo u kushore
Ann Odisho Badro
Vad roligt, grattis och lycka till Marta Youeel Eshoo ??
Ashur Giwargis
Thanks to Attiya Gamri and congratulations to the new president Marta Eshoo, wishing her and her crew all the success in serving the Assyrian nation
Sargon Oshana
Finally young people in top positions. Assyrian leaders who are old keep complaining about our youth not participating, well you need term limits, so the youth can have a chance. Congratulations
ܐܢܟܝܕܘ ܐܕܝܒ
ܐܢܟܝܕܘ ܐܕܝܒ
Kushoro u tanniyotho.
Munir Rhawi
Alfo briģe
Hoppas du samlar Assyriska rörelse
Rahel Poli
Tevdi Attiya lu fulhono tovo dsimlech. Kuchoro Marta?
Ilhan Budak
Murat Poli
ܬܗܢ̈ܝܬܐ ܡܰܪܬܰܐ ܘܟܘܫܪܐ! ܘܬܘ̈ܕܝܬܐ ܥܛܝ݂ܝܰܐ ܥܠ ܗ̱ܘ݂ ܦܘܠܚܢܐ ܛܒܐ ܕܣܝܡܠܟܝ̱
Musa Ergun
Kashirutho myakarto Marta
Gevriye Angelli
Bricho o tahenyotho
Aslan Yildiz
Kenan Araz
Brixo u kashirutho
George Abdo
Alfo brikhe
Athurrinna Isik Goria
Congratulations and good luck ?
Rebecca Sorisho
Congratulations and good luck?
Ornina Zaytoun
Congratulations Marta!?
Wish you good luck ?
Scharo Scharokin Kando
Congratulations and good luck ???